#20 - Damas Diaries No. 1


It’s taken more than 30 years but I’m finally a proud car-owner. To celebrate I took a road trip south along the coast to go car camping, shooting 35mm along the way on the Nikon F6. If you somehow found this blog post before seeing the video, the trip is immortalized in the finest definition YouTube has to offer here.

South Korea road trip car camping view

I’m happy to share some of the images from the trip. I’m including a bunch that didn’t fit the video, so this is the only place you’re likely to see them. Enjoy!

I kicked off the trip at a small dock south of Incheon. It was surrounded by factories, some hovering over the ocean in the fog like ghosts.

35mm photo of fishnets from South Korea car camping road trip
35mm photo of ocean from South Korea car camping road trip

I stopped off at a small farming village. The only person I spoke to said I needed to pay him for a photo. I declined.

35mm photo of farmland from South Korea car camping road trip
35mm photo of rural house from South Korea car camping road trip
35mm photo of onions from South Korea car camping road trip
35mm photo of wooden ladder from South Korea car camping road trip
35mm photo of flower tree from South Korea car camping road trip

At a quiet rest stop there was a room glowing blue in the afternoon sun. The little holes in the wall looked like windows to a furnace.

35mm photo of sauna from South Korea car camping road trip
35mm photo of sauna from South Korea car camping road trip

I finally found a spot to camp for the night. I got to wake up to the smell of the ocean and the weeping of the gulls.

35mm photo of ship in ocean from South Korea car camping road trip
35mm photo of metal in ocean from South Korea car camping road trip
35mm photo of old house from South Korea car camping road trip
35mm photo of cable from South Korea car camping road trip
35mm photo of Daewoo Damas from South Korea car camping road trip

I spent the next day driving around the whole territory. There were lots of abandoned homes, and plenty interesting areas to explore.

35mm photo of flowering tree from South Korea car camping road trip
35mm photo of pole from South Korea car camping road trip
35mm photo of gas station from South Korea car camping road trip
35mm photo of washing line from South Korea car camping road trip
35mm photo of gas station from South Korea car camping road trip
35mm photo of broken house from South Korea car camping road trip
35mm photo of abandoned house from South Korea car camping road trip
35mm photo of abandoned house from South Korea car camping road trip
35mm photo of abandoned house from South Korea car camping road trip
35mm photo of abandoned house from South Korea car camping road trip
35mm photo of abandoned house from South Korea car camping road trip
35mm photo of abandoned house from South Korea car camping road trip
35mm photo of abandoned house from South Korea car camping road trip
35mm photo of abandoned house from South Korea car camping road trip
35mm photo of abandoned house from South Korea car camping road trip
35mm photo of abandoned house from South Korea car camping road trip

These last few images were from a personal mission I’m not going to talk about here. I’m happy to say though that the mission was a success.

35mm photo of colourful blanket from South Korea car camping road trip
35mm photo of forest from South Korea car camping road trip
35mm photo of forest from South Korea car camping road trip
35mm photo of twisted cable from South Korea car camping road trip
35mm photo of ancient grave from South Korea car camping road trip
35mm photo of forest pathway from South Korea car camping road trip

If you haven’t yet, go see the video from this trip here!